Sunday, October 16, 2011

Reunion de Rotary en Olavarria

Last weekend I went to the first Rotary meeting for my district.  It was in Olavarria, a town that is about 2 hours away from here close to Tandil.  The meeting was for the host families, Rotarians,former exchange students, and of course all the current exchange students in District 4920.  The meeting gave the exchange students a chance to meet each other and compare our experiences so far in Argentina.  We were split into groups with exchange students, Rotarians, and host family members to talk about how to be a good exchange student, our home life etc...  Rotary also went over some of the rules again and gave us information about the trips we can take to the north and south of Argentina.  The south trip is Dec 6 and is an 11 day bus tour throughout Patagonia and the bus trip to the North will be sometime in February and will last 16 days going to  Iguazu Falls in Brazil, and northern Argentinian towns.  At the meeting all the exchange students were given a Spanish test for an assessment and we were told that we will be tested again in 6  months and if we don't pass we will be sent home.  Exchange students also have to do a community service project.     

Most of the exchange students were from the US, Canada, Germany, France, and Belgium.  And there were students from Denmark, Finland, Austria, Switzerland, Poland and Mexico.  In D. 4920 there's about 50 students.

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